Saturday, November 1, 2014

Serial Volume Two by Lily White & Jaden Wilkes

Serial. A brand new dark, erotic thriller from the twisted minds of Lily White and Jaden Wilkes.

Jude Hollister kills. Born with everything, wanting for nothing, murder has become his addiction. He kills women who entice him. He immortalizes them while they’re still young and beautiful. How will he manage to save the one woman he loves?

Ronnie Lapierre is a survivor. Born with nothing, she’s struggling in a dead end job with an abusive bastard for a boyfriend. Jude offers her a way out, salvation beyond her wildest dreams. What will happen when she learns his terrible secret?

Donovan Blake is the brightest mind to come out of Quantico in years. Charged with finding the Cascades Butcher, he’s perfect for this game of cat and mouse. Will his own dark past lead him to success, or drag him into the depths of hell with the most dangerous man he’s ever encountered?

Hearts will be broken, families destroyed, and good men will turn evil. In the end, only one will remain. Find out who survives in this intense story of love and ruin.

You will hate yourself for loving him.

***Explores dark themes of murder, violence, sexuality, BDSM, the nature of evil...basically all the good stuff. 

Even though I had recently read Serial Volume One by Lily White and Jaden Wilkes it took me a minute to get into Volume Two, I am not quite sure why but I am going to say that it may had something to do with the introduction of Patty Wilson. Patty was a high school drop-out who fell into the dark world or sex, drugs, and stupid and was led around by her no good pimp-slash-boyfriend-slash-baby-daddy. Although Patty had a story fitting for a cable network weekly movie, she was an ideal target for The Cascade Killer or CK, if he hadn’t been preoccupied with being dangerously in love with “Pet”.

All of the characters from Volume One are present with Donovan Black and Emily Chase’s story being brought to the forefront as the investigation of CK heightens. However, the more I learned about Donovan the more I begin to think that he and Jude could possibly be cousins, twice removed on their fathers' side because they are both plum fools in their own right. I mean they are both just off… off the chain… off their rocker…off of something or another that is only distinguishable because one of them carry a badge.

Blog Tour: Serial Volume Two by Lily White & Jaden Wilkes

Follow along as Jude teaches Ronnie her new place in his life while battling the rising need to kill…while Ronnie adapts to Jude’s mysterious ways and increasing demands…and as Donovan hunts Jude and fights his own dark urges.

*This is the second installment in the exciting erotic thriller, Serial…a serial about a serial killer and the one he loves and the one who wants to destroy him*

“How was your day?” she asked, with the intimacy of a long married couple.

I crossed to the bed and sat beside her, inhaled her scent, the intoxicating mix of expensive bath products and her unique underlying flavor.

“It was good,” I replied and felt her lean towards me. She pressed her little body against mine with such a familiarity that for a moment I almost dropped my guard and flipped her over on the bed for a fuck.

Instead I lifted my arm and let her snuggle in, cozy herself against me and hoped she didn’t feel my heart throbbing against my ribcage in surging desire.

“I was kinda bored,” she said, “is there any way to get cable in here? Maybe internet access? I’ve watched all the DVDs you provided and I’ve read every book a couple of times over.”

That was impressive, I hadn’t thought her the type to read so quickly. She’d been with me almost two weeks now and didn’t seem like the brightest bulb in the box, as they said.

“No cable,” I told her, not wanting her to see the recent coverage on the disappearances from the Waffle House, hers included. “I’ll get you Netflix, how’s that? You can watch movies and TV and such.”

“Sounds good,” she replied, “any chance of wifi or a tablet or something?”

“Not yet,” I said, “Billy’s still out there, who knows where he’ll be watching and waiting to find you. He’s apparently pissed that you got away. I’ve heard through the grapevine that he’s willing to pay top dollar to have you killed.”

She flinched when I said it and dropped her gaze to the floor. “Did you talk to him? Did he…say anything?”

“I haven’t spoken to him directly, I’ve just heard things. You don’t still…care for him, do you?”

“Oh god, no. I don’t know why I wasted so much time with him in first place. I’m so embarrassed that I stuck with him, that you saw…”

Her voice trailed off and she felt stiff against me. She was highly self-conscious of her terrible choices, her shitty background and her impoverished upbringing.

Serial Volume One by: Lily White & Jaden Wilkes

Serial. A brand new dark, erotic thriller from the twisted minds of Lily White and Jaden Wilkes.

Jude Hollister kills. Born with everything, wanting for nothing, murder has become his addiction. He kills women who entice him. He immortalizes them while they’re still young and beautiful. How will he manage to save the one woman he loves?

Ronnie Lapierre is a survivor. Born with nothing, she’s struggling in a dead end job with an abusive bastard for a boyfriend. Jude offers her a way out, salvation beyond her wildest dreams. What will happen when she learns his terrible secret?

Donovan Blake is the brightest mind to come out of Quantico in years. Charged with finding the Cascades Butcher, he’s perfect for this game of cat and mouse. Will his own dark past lead him to success, or drag him into the depths of hell with the most dangerous man he’s ever encountered?

Hearts will be broken, families destroyed, and good men will turn evil. In the end, only one will remain. Find out who survives in this intense story of love and ruin.

You will hate yourself for loving him.

***Explores dark themes of murder, violence, sexuality, BDSM, the nature of evil...basically all the good stuff.

I am going to begin this review with a few disclaimers. The first being I am a pretty big fan of Jaden Wilkes. While the second being I was more than tad bit nervous as I began to read Serial Volume One by Lily White and Jaden Wilkes. I questioned a tiny part of my sanity as I swiped across the screen of my reader of such a dark tale. I questioned rather or not I had fallen too deep inside of this literary genre’s rabbit hole. Lucky for me, all of my apprehensions were quickly subsided as I began to read about Jude Hollister. Now that thang is plain ole everyday cray-cray. From “ha-ha” crazy to prescription meds crazy, Jude crossed and covered all of the categories of insanity.

Jude had a charmed life. The world was at his oyster. However, as I continued to read about his story and his obsession and need for murder, I found myself feeling like I was reading a crime novel with the FBI investigating the murders of his moniker of The Cascade Killer or CK.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Cover Reveal: Freakshow by Jaden Wilkes

Maisy York is a freak. An oddball. One of the outliers who clings desperately to the golden mean in a futile attempt to feel normal. Born with congenital analgesia, she lacks the ability to feel pain, but this seems to mean she's unable to feel pleasure as well.

Unemployed, betrayed, and left with no other options, Maisy joins Cirque des Curiosités, a traveling circus with a heavy emphasis on the strange and exotic in order to appease the infinite curiosity of the peanut-crunching crowds.

Intending to work the concession or sell tickets, her unique oddity is quickly discovered and rockets her to the front of the house, the centre ring, the main event. 

And of course there is a man. There's always a man. A Fire Breather named Cairo with the darkest eyes and most beautiful lips she's ever seen. She's swept up in his intoxicating attention, his muscled arms, his tattoos, his beard and thick dark hair...

In order to prove she's incapable of falling in love with Cairo, she accepts his dangerously seductive father's offer to join After Dark, the erotic after hours version of the Cirque. There, her unique condition once again makes her a star, seemingly the ultimate masochist with no end to what she can handle.

But nothing in life is what it seems, and in a world built on illusion and deception, this lesson hits home with a blunt force.
When girls start to disappear from After Dark, Maisy is determined to find out what happened to them. Will she be able to uncover the truth in a world built on lies? Will her own life be put in danger in her relentless quest to slake her curiosity? And will


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